Friday, July 17, 2020

Bulk Email Tool

Hello Guys,

I have came up with a new tool in excel vba by which we can send bulk emails in outlook.

As we can see in above image, this is an excel based tool, by which we can send multiple emails in one go, to different email Ids and we can also customise the content of the email.

In the above image,on the left hand side, we can enter the details of recipient like Name of recipient, their email ids, subject of the email. we can also attach a file with the email by entering the file path in attachment column.

On the right hand side in the image above, we can see field named "Email Body". This is a text box, in which we can enter the content of the email. This content is common to all the emails sent and a placeholder for name field is given --->  <Name> .

Wherever the placeholder in the content will be encountered, it will be replaced by the value of that field like in our case, the name placeholder will be replaced by the Name given on each line item on the left side of above image.

On top right, we can see a option "Draft email" which provides an option to draft all the emails instead of sending them and toggles between Draft email and Send email.

After entering all the information, on clicking the Green button on top right hand side of the above image, macro starts to run and save/send all the emails.

Here is the link to view the Demo video of the file:

I hope you liked this article.

If you like this article or have any query/suggestions, please share your feedback in the comments section below.


If you want to develop any macro for any office product or automate your task in excel or any other MS office product you can reach out to my Fiverr account: